CREW, Clean Renewable Energy Worldwide, has set out to decentralize power production by educating churches, homes, and businesses on how to get solar power. We educate everyone on the option of solar and build a winning relationship by “spreading sunshine” through residential and commercial solar installations.

Residential solar maximizes the benefits of the sun to provide energy and increase property values. A homeowner directly improves the environment by reducing their carbon footprint. A home installation of 5kW equates to:

15,227 gallons of gasoline saved
18 homes electricity use annually
3,470 trees being planted
48 tons of landfill waste

The property value increase is based on the size of the system. According to National Renewable Energy Laboratory a home’s value increases by $20 for every $1 in energy bill savings.

It can also be calculated as $5,911 for each 1 kilowatt (kW) of solar installed according to CleanTechnica, that is $29,555 for a 5kW system.

We at CREW take the incentive even further…as neighbors and friends see the system and ask about it you are able to receive a #solarreferralreward for referring them when their home becomes a solar home as well!

Commercial solar benefits through tremendous savings over time along with the environmental savings. We streamline the process making it simple and straightforward. All it takes is a look at your utility bills, to determine your energy profile to provide your solar options.

Contact us today to get your free solar assessment.